Beau and Dave take time out of there busy schedules to discuss what they've been up to recently and get in to the how they do or don't find the time for side projects and open source, in and around work and family.
- @railto
- @railto's sculping powered site
- @willemjanz
- @james_porter
- @anthonysterling
- Docker announce Machine, Swarm and Compose
- Duolingo
- Duolingo's business model
- PHPBenelux Conference 2015
- mitchellvanw/laravel-doctrine
- laravel/cashier
- Material UI
- React
- Google's Material Design
- laravel/socialite
- @rdohms
- @rdohms tweet
- 24 Pull Requests
- Scrutinzer CI
- @schmittjoh
- Toran Proxy
- SensioLabsInsight
- Thank You To PHP’s Top Package Authors!
- beberlei/symfony-minimal-distribution
- vlucas/phpdotenv
- symfony/symfony #7555
- 12 Factor App
- puli/puli
- PSR-0 Resource Locator
- ninjagrl shop
- FoxyCart
- @lukestokes
- @joewalnes