Beau and Dave get together again, this time at PHPNW 2015. We talk about testing, Laravel's awesome container, chatops and security and react, before touching on docker and otto. A big thanks to all who came to talk with us and sorry to listeners for all the clicks, pops, whistles and background noise!
- PHPNW 2015
- People I can recall being around while we recorded:
- @holman
- Use the same DB connection across threads in ruby
- Full Stack Radio
- @adamwathan
- @jeffrey_way
- @grmpyprogrammer
- igorw/doucheswag
- monii/monii-nimble-framework
- illuminate/container
- auraphp/Aura.DI
- @davedevelopment paraphrases @natpryce
- @taylorotwell on not using Eloquent
- google/guice
- @kellabyte on getting owned through slack
- @funkatron
- uber/npm-shrinkwrap
- @justincarmony
- facebook/react-devtools
- rackt/react-router
- danielmewes/php-rql
- Docker Machine
- jwilder/nginx-proxy
- @bitfalls
- Otto