Beau and Dave give updates on all sorts of things. So much so, they manage to not even get to the topic they actually expected to talk about. Fun times!
- @harikt
- @mjacobus
- @phpbard
- PHP Podcasts
- Sonnet 1: PHP Podcasts
- @jmikola
- @phpweeklynews
- @phpweekly
- @1stvamp
- @drrotmos
- @TobiasNyholm
- @SoundOfSymfony
- Race for Life
- Seinfeld's productivity secret
- Commit
- Commitment changed my career
- Zendcon
- Madison PHP Conference
- @grmpyprogrammer
- True North PHP Conference
- Midwest PHP Conference
- @BMorearty
- Rails 4.1 Performance Fundamentals
- Chris Hartjes - Play by Play
- jorgebastida/glue
- @philsturgeon
- @scrutinizerci
- ConvertKit
- Digital Ocean
- DNSimple
- Linode
- Aesop Games
- Pingdom
- Boogio (pre-order Boogio beta!)
- Words to Work
- @coderabbi
- beberlei/assert
- @_devbookclub
- PHP Storm
- @acelayaa
- PHP Storm config
- @reinink
- - Dave's stalled project
- Netflix/Hystrix
- odesk/phystrix
- @asm89
- Fault Tolerant Programming in PHP
- AWS Cloud Formation
- Bitnami
- A proper service naming scheme
- Decoupling Repository Objects
- @jeffrey_way